This quarter we are excited about our three new matches!
- Pat & Trish with mentee William and mom Jessica – Pat, Trish and William have enjoyed lots of time together exploring Pat & Trish’s property, including a lot of time on trails and using the metal detector have brought treasures like no other.
- Annabella & Grace – Annabella and Grace have enjoyed their times together doing crafts and lots of great conversations.
- Briar & Susan – Briar and Susan are just getting started, but we know that lots of baking and books await these two!
Unfortunately, the RUSC Kinship is also saying goodbye to a long time match. Louis and Jayden were matched in 2016. Jayden and Louis have spent many hours together skiing, snowboarding, and lots of other outdoor activities. Louis reflected that his time with Jayden has been amazing and it has been a joy to watch him grow and be a part of his life. Jayden has graduated from the RUSC Kinship program and will be graduating this year from high school. We wish them both the very best!
If you are interested in becoming a mentor, please click here to learn more.