Graduation of Mentees

Saqqara and Jeanne

Turning 18 is an exciting time in a young person’s life full of growth & new opportunities. Turning 18 also means graduating from the RUSC Kinship program. We have two mentees who are graduating from our program. Saqqara & Jeanne have been matched since 2016 and Gay & Daniel have been matched since 2018.

Words from Jeanne & Gay

Being part of the Rusc Kinship program has been a great experience: getting to know my mentee and sharing in many events. We participated in events planned by the program such as hiking & bowling as well as many events planned by ourselves such as going to a movie, birthday parties, and baking at my home. It was most interesting to attend his high school events such as band concerts, track meets and homecoming coronation events. This program has enriched my life and I hope that of my mentee as well!    – Gay

I was matched with Saqqara when she was 10 years old. It was at a time when I didn’t have grandchildren of my own yet. I also had raised boys, so spending time with a girl was something I hadn’t had the opportunity to do. I really enjoyed spending together! We did a variety of things together. We went to plays, out to lunch, played in the park etc. Our favorite way to spend time together was for her to come to my house. Sometimes we baked, sometimes we sewed but mostly we spent time with my animals just getting to know each other. I really enjoyed the time we got to spend together and I think Saqqara did as well. It was fun to have someone to do things with. I learned a lot from her, what it was like to be in school at this time and the struggles that go along with it. I also think she appreciated the time we spent together. She is the oldest of three in her family, so I think she appreciated the one on one time as well. As time went on, she moved farther away and as she became a teenager and started working, we had less time together, but we still stayed connected. We were matched for 8 years! She has grown so much in the time and so have I. It is fun to see her out in public and we always visit for a bit and catch up. I feel we will have a lifelong connection because we had the opportunity to be matched. I have started another role in life, I have become a grandma! I now have 4 granddaughters, soon to be 5, and I think the time I spent with Saqqara helped prepare me to be a girl grandma.   – Jeanne

Saqqara and Jeanne

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Dolly Parton Imagination Library – February 2024 Update

February was I Love to Read Month and the elementary students at the Morris Area Elementary School and St. Mary’s wanted to share their love of reading with the Dolly Parton Imagination Library participants of Stevens County.
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Annual Quarter Kraze

Annual Quarter Kraze fundraiser was a hit, great crowd, tons of prizes, and lots of fun.   Thank you to all of the vendors who took part in the event and Lisa Burns for being the auctioneer for the Quarter Kraze.  
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Celebrating Our New Matches

It's always a celebration when we have new matches - click in to find out more!
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Celebrating National Mentoring Month

In January, RUSC Kinship recognized National Mentoring Month by hosting our annual bowling and pizza party to honor our mentors and mentees.
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A Night at the Museum

The Stevens County Historical Society and Museum hosted RUSC Kinship for the evening. Bill Eckerson, from the museum, shared history about our community and showed us lots of interesting things that have yet to make it to the museum floor.
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Pack Drum Line Performance at UMM

The Pack Drumline performed at the University of Minnesota Morris Campus as part of their Performing Arts Series. Big Shout Out to Liz and UMM for inviting RUSC Kinship! It was a loud and wild night, but oh so fun!!
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