Celebrating Our New Matches

Andie & Cathy

David & Julian have been non-stop projects since their match in November. Building, whittling, taking in performances, you name it, these two are doing it!!

Amber, Mark & Rylan have been busy with lots of outdoor activities, Cougar games, and Little League baseball since their match.

Although Andie & Cathy were officially “matched” in March, these two have been friends since they were Lunch Buddy friends in 2019/2020. Baking, crafts, and hanging out are just a few of the activities planned.

Amber, Mark & Reagan have just started their adventures but we are sure lots of fun awaits them all!

Andie & Cathy

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A Night at the Museum

The Stevens County Historical Society and Museum hosted RUSC Kinship for the evening. Bill Eckerson, from the museum, shared history about our community and showed us lots of interesting things that have yet to make it to the museum floor.
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An update on our recent mentee graduate – Tabitha VanHorn.
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Thank You to this Season’s Donors

Thank you to our generous donors and Give to the Max Donors this season! We couldn't do it without your support.
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RUSC Kinship at the Humane Society

RUSC Kinship wanted to give back. We made cat and dog treats and beds for our furry friends at the Stevens County Humane Society.  The treats were certainly a hit with our furry friends!
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Graduation of Mentees

Turning 18 also means graduating from the RUSC Kinship program. We have two mentees who are graduating from our program. Saqqara & Jeanne have been matched since 2016 and Gay & Daniel have been matched since 2018.
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Annual Quarter Kraze

Annual Quarter Kraze fundraiser was a hit, great crowd, tons of prizes, and lots of fun.   Thank you to all of the vendors who took part in the event and Lisa Burns for being the auctioneer for the Quarter Kraze.  
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